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December 26, 1974 The Othello Outlook | ![]() |
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December 26, 1974 |
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PEGRAM helps his wife, Cheryl, and children
festive holly garlands, red
tiny, twinkly red lights. For Tami, 11, shown
| Buffy, the family's nfiniature white poodle; Lori, 12,
r, 10, Christmas in their home - bought from the Don
pleasure. But for Dannie it is
I Rev. V.S. Larson Jr.
they (the shepherds)
with haste and found
Joseph and the Babe
a manger." --Luke
lights and cam-
beg attractively for
attention during this
holiday season.
familiar song, "Silver
'spiritedly describes the
well: "Busy side-
• ..dressed in holiday
.People laughing, people
greeting smile after
,.In the air there's a
Of Christmas!"
md I get caught up in
hectic pace
ling of joyous gaiety
g here and
searching for just the
the Christmas
l, until we find it!
shepherds on Bethle-
no less caught up
shepherding activit-
it was that they
dazzled by a
display as one
a host of divine
bearing God's
of the birth of
vlor appeared unto
YOU this day is
Savior, Who is Christ
angelic choir ceased,
the shepherds lost little time
in s~'king out that "Babe
wrapped in swaddling clothes
and ~lying in a manger."
Whether they left their sheep
in the hands of one responsi-
ble shepherd while all the
others dashed off to Bethle-
hem, ~ve don't know. All that
St. Luke records for our
learning and understanding
is: "And they came with haste
and found Mary and Joseph
and the Babe lying in a
manger." God's message to
them of a personal SavioJ for
sin compelled these shepherds
to respond as they did--God's
Word of Salvation was of first
importance to them. They
came post-haste to worship
the Lord Jesus Christ. He it
*was Who had humbled Him-
self to be born of a woman. He
it was Who would humble
word "Christmas"
the celebration of
short for Christ's
similarly is a short-
coming to English
, French from the
'Na~!is," short for
dies or natal day;
capital letter "Natalis
Jesus' natal day.
Italian "Natale" and
same pattern. But
the German
Christmas means
or Blessed Night
to the Nativity only
is an Old English or
word for
and there are
words with Similar
in German and the
it probably refer-
a pagan winter festival
associated with
with the onset of
also a time of memories, for this is his childhood home. He first
moved into it when he was 12 years old, back in 1954, with his
parents, the Junior Pegrams. "the house has been remodeled
extensively since I rived here," said Dannie, "but there are
many memoriesofmy family and friends and all the good times
we used to have."
Himself and become obedient
unto death even death on the
cross for 'their sins.
So, too, Christian friends,
may God's Good News of a
Savior for shepherds and all
mankind (Yes! to you and me
also!) continue to cause us to
"come with haste" and to
"seek out" that Savior this
Christmas. May the import-
an(,e of that first heavenly
Message cause us daily to
respond in hymns of praise to
this "Christ-child," to daily
listen to and study His Word
of Comfort and Hope.
Let us then come with haste
and kneel down to adore Him
Who is our Savior and King.
Let us truly /nake our
Christmas a Christ-important
occasion for receiveing a true
Christmas spirit, God's
heavenly peace and joy[i[
Happiness is patrons like you. Thanks!
hope you enjoy
this wonderful
season has to offer.
Thank you, friends.
77 S. 1st.
Essential to All
Although the ass, such as
the one ridden by Mary, is
sometimes described as a
lowly beast, fit for those of
humble station, there is
considerable evidence that
the docile and useful asd was
ridden by many rich and
prestigious people as well as
the poor. The Bible often
mentions the ass as a common
part of many households.
letters ,0 Santa '"
" I
Dear Santa, . . . Dear Santa Claus,
, want a ruc , oow., I wa°t a °u°°v
boots, and a gun. I will leave I want a watc[i~" ° 1
you a candy cane. - I want a 10-speed bike
_ l~ove, Love, Julia Fields
Brat Y. ************
P'S" I'm 6 years °ld and been Dear Santa Claus' /!i:i!ilili I
good. ************ I want a bike ~, . ,,
~erg~o tJuerra
Dear Santa Claus, ************ ,
For Christmas I would like Dear Santa Cl~,
a "baby alive", doll. . I want some~wa~lkietalkies
Tiffany Palmmro Love Darin Eckert
P.S. ************
I would also like a Santa Dear Santa Claus,
joy and care. I also wish that
eveybody has a great New
Merry Christmas
Happy New Year,
P.S. The world needs love,
peace joy and care.
Clause book. I want a glass cutter.
************ The presents you gave me
Dear Santa, last year I liked them. Thank
I wish that everbody has a you.
Christmas full of love, Peace, From Tony Nichols
To Santa Claus.
Dear Santa Claus,
I Love you. I Want that
And a Jeep and a Walkie
Christopher Scott Millar
************ Dear Santa Claus,
12-5-1974 I want a doll and I want a dog.
Othello wash Love Lynne Mills
Dear Santa
My name is Jimmy Guerra
I am 8 years old and I am so
happy it Christmas again. I
wish you will come to our
house and bring us some toys.
we will promise you we will be
good kids to my mom and
I wish you will bring me a
very good toy 2 toys My
brothers name is Sergio he
wants you to bring him a
watch and a cowboy boots my
sisters name is Maryann
wants you to bring her a big
big doll and a iron.
dont forget our cousins
Arturo JR. and Susie we love
you Santa. we hope you will
makit all the way
Dear Santa!
Me and my little brother
would sure like to get a
camper Putt Putt. I would
enjoy getting a Crash-Bang-
Smash'era up. A new BB Gun.
Also I need some new cloths
like a new pair of pants and
new shoes and more socks for
Also a new storybook so I
could take it to school for the
teacher to read to all the other
students in my room.
Lesly Randon Whiteley Jr.
and Allen Everett Whiteley
Dear Santa
Sharilyn wants a camera.
Michelle wants a training
wheel bike.
Mark wants tractor.
May you find fulfillment of that special
serenity.., contentment that means so
much to everyone as we celebrate
His birth. Our sincere thanks to you.
511 E. Main 488-9941 i
O)ay peace and ..
love be with you.
Thanks for your
fine support. °
Petrolane Gas Service
52 E. Columbia 488-2312
n the spirit of the season---we
hope everybody has the happiest of
holidays wherever you spend it!
Your kind patronage is appreciated.
126 S. Broadway
hese young carolers are bubbling with
happy Yuletide wishes for you.., from
us. Our merry thanks to all!
..::" ks
645 S. Broadway Othello 488-9607
During this joyous holiday we
would like to express sincere
thoughts that this should be
a blessed season for all.
To our wonderful patrons, thanks.