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The Othello Outlook
Othello, Washington
December 26, 1974     The Othello Outlook
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December 26, 1974
Newspaper Archive of The Othello Outlook produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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'._E AMPLES FORUS ALL 5,p l i By Bishop Dale E. Beus Othello Ward were not recognized. Herod, favoured, the Lo Church of Jesus Christ of King of the Jews by Roman thee: blessed art Latter{lay Saints appointment, was not even an women, for thou It is fundamental to know Israelite• favour with God. that Mary is the earthly Had Judah been a free and thou shalt conci mother of Jesus, and that. independent nation ruled by womb, and bring Joseph is Marys husband,her rightfulsovereign, Joseph and shalt call his Consider the impications of the carpenter would haveAnd he shall be Mary and Joseph as the been her crowned king; and shall be called th "" " earthly parentsand guardians his lawful successor to the Highest: and the of Jesus. Jesus Christ is the throne would have been Jesus shall give unto hi first born of the Father in the of Nazareth, the king of the of his father Dav spirit, since we are also spirit Jews. "And he shall re children of the Father, Jesus In Luke we find an account house of Jacob for is the elde. t brother of our of the words of the visiting his kingdom there spirit family, and he is the angel Gabriel to Mary as ....... ....... end. Son. intellectual and social quail-[ l only begotten son of our follows: Of Mary, Elder Bruce R. And what of .Joseph'? What ties befitting his very I~" (~.~'~J~ ~0¢~~ ~1 ' existance.Father here in °ur m°rtalHail' th°u that art highly Mce°nkie °f the C°uncil °f the kind °f a prs°n w°ul~ the imp°rtanfl assignmeni'in the premortalJeSus waSspiritJehovahex. I~ ~ ~ ' ~'1 istance, and was chosen by : i iiii!ii:ii;iii::: iiiiii!ii~i [ ~/~[~ ~ [ Savor°Ur HeavenlYof manFatherkind, to be ,the iii: ::i [!i~i I ~ ?~-~ ~. ] Just as Jesus was selected : ili i:iii ii i % % for his redeeming mission in * ................ : ::*: :: the premortal world, his i :~iz~}i~iii~! /-~'~ :~ prophets were also preap- i: :: :i::!~:: ~! :::;~!ii !:: //~" i~,. TM!~. ':' pointed for their earthly ...... i :: ..... :::!:!:~::~ .... ! : "" " .... ~ ~- missionS, was inaCC°rdingthe premortalt°theirlife :: that faithful sons and daught- ers of God received their first lessons in rightousness and become followers of Jesus. Some were forordained to be prophets; others no doubt were appointed to be the fathers, mothers, and wives of prophets. There is no impropriety, then in believing that Mary and Joseph were selected in those ancient councils by the Father to be the earthly guardians of Jesus. Mary was given the unique privilege and responsibility of bringing the great Jehovah into the world, in which he would obtain a body of flesh and bones, experience mortality, and continue his mission for the redemption of man kind. The significance of this mortal birth was more critical than we often realize. It was not an experimental thing, nor an event that was optional in the plan of salvation. The coming of a part-divine part mortal Jesus into the world, Son of Mary and Only Begotten of the Father, was an absolute necessity. Only the Lord himself, by coming into Mortality, partaking of the nature of man, living a sinless life, atoning with his blood for the sins of men, dy~ng, ~nd rising from the dead with his physical body could bring about redemption. A direct reference to the Savior's earthly mother was made by Isaiah about 700 B.C. "Behold a virgin shall cow cieve, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel" (Isa. 7:14) About 600 B.C. an Ameri- can prophet named Nephi said, as recorded in the Book of Mormon. "I beheld the city of Nazareth; and in the city of Nazareth I beheld a virgin, and she was exceedingly fair and white. "And it came to pass that I saw the heavens open; and an angel came down and stood before me... "And he said unto me; Behold the virgin whom thou seest is the mother of the Son of God, after the manner of the flesh. "And I looked and beheld the virgin again, bearing a child in her arms. "And the angel said unto me: Behold the Lamb of God, yea, even the Son of the Eternal Father!" There is another factor inherent in the selection of the Lord's mortal parentage. He was to be born of the family of David, and be the heir to the throne of David. Hence he would literally be the king of the Jews by their own law. Isaiah touches upon this matter; "For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given; and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor. The mighty God, The everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace.'* "Of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end, upon the throne of David, and upon his Kindom, to order it, and to establish it with judgement and with justice from hence- forth even for ever. "Isa. 9:6-7. Since Jesus was not begot- ten by mortal man, his descent from David would, by necessity, be through his mother. Thus, when Mary came to earth, she was bern into royal lineage so she could transmit it to her son Jesus. Jesus was frequently addres- sed as "Son of David": he did not disclaim that title. That Joseph also was descended from David is like wise set forth in the New Testiment, which states that Joseph was of Bethlehem and "of the house and lineage of David." {Luke 2:4) So Jesus, though not a blood descended of Joseph, inherited legal status as a son of David through him. • At that time, the Jews were ruled by Rome, and the rights of the royal Davidic family EACH YEAR A COMMUNITY CHURCH has been asked to ehooee a representative family for this spedal Christmas feature. Paul and,Joy Abrath and their four children were selected this year by officials of the Othello LDS First and Second Wards to share their feelings of the season. "We truly don't stress decorating", said Joy. '~)ur Christmas trees are decorated by the children with cranberry and popcorn garlands and ornaments they've made. Our big effort goes into ~!i: ' making truitcake, batches and batches, which we package and deliver to friends and neighbors on Christmas. The children love it." R dy to begin making their rounds with brightly wrapped packages of spicy, lragrant cakes are Sue Ann, eight; Paul Lincoln Abrath, HI, six, and Karen Ann, four. Mary Ann, three, is being helped by Morn in the big decision of which package to pick trom underneath the tree. lltay you and yours be greatly blessed by the spiritual radiance of Christmas. For your valued patronage we express sincere Yuletime thanks. & Heating Mel & Bernice Sherbert 354 S. 1st Craft Dept. 488-3542 anticipation of this Hudson Street Radiator Shop 488-2762 I ~o 0 0 ge're joining these carolers in their heartfelt refrain: Peace on earth • . . good will toward men. Season's best to all. To all, our special thanks. Bob's Lockers 92 N. Venice 488-9953 May each of us follow his own star to and joy.* Thank you all. FA-RMERS ELECTRIC 60 E. Hemlock 488-2822 o et us rejoice as we celebrate and remember the true meaning el this holy day. Thanks, 724 E. Main 488-9031 On this Yuletide, we wish for you and yours an abundance of Christmas cheer, topped off with an extra helping of peace and love. Thanks, all. Central Life c/ errily, you'll roll along with our best holiday wishes... and ,our heartfelt thanks for your confidence in us~ Operators of Parkside Texaco 240 E. Main 488-2422 O0 0 To our o ¢ friends and loyal patrons, here's hearty wishes for the best Christmas ever. Thanks. 0 0 0 O, 690 S. Broadway 488-2222