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The Othello Outlook
Othello, Washington
December 26, 1974     The Othello Outlook
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December 26, 1974
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Page 24) - OTHELLO, WASHINGTON THE OTHELLO OUTLOOK THURSDAY, DECEMBER 26, 1974 Superficia Worship Not True Christmas By Rev. Jack E. Barker very difficult to whole-heart- ChristlanChurch edly surrender ourselves to The birth of our Lord Jesus hear the Good News and to Christ stirred glad and spon- allow ourselves to be caught taneous worship in the hearts up in spontaneous exultation of those who first realized its and rejoicing. Harder yet to import: bend our knees in reverence, The Host of Heaven sang adoration and thanksgiving. God's Good News and wor- We who do worship often shipped the Prince of Peace do so superficially, because it with Joyful abandon; is our duty. This does not lead The Shepherds came to to gladnessand the spontane- Bethlehem's stabol to kneelin ous worship and self-giving simple piety and devotionand surrender of life to God before the Christ Child; that is man's only adequate The Magi came from afar, response to God's Gift. not because they had to, but Our inadequate worship because they wanted to bring does not reflect true "wis- gifts and greets, respect and dom." Those who really find homage, to the newborn King! God's best submit themselves How foolish we moderns fully in devotion and find that are in our skepticism andthey are blessed of God far sophistication. We find it so beyond their expectations. I ins CHILDREN ~TICIPATE the arrivalof"Kris Kringle," also known as Santa Claus, in this large electrotype reproduced from an 1891 specimen sheet of Christmas cuts offered by the A. Zeese & co. of Chicago. As Kris Kringle prepares to descend the chimney of their home, the children,in box at bottom left,appear to be awake,perhaps in the he be of catching a glimpse of Santa. ELECTROTYPES offered in 1891 by A. Zeese and Co. of ~': Chicago include a little cut [below] of Santa Claus climbing down a chimney. Illustration ~ on right shows the angels appearing unto the shepherds The celebration of Christ- decorations of greens and in the field on the first mas in Italy, perhaps more small toys and presents. Christmas. than in any other country, It is possible that the ceppo illustrates the multiple origins may have been a replacement ofthe festivities we observe in for the Yule log. But the modern times, burning of the Yule log, Christmas in Italy is pri- another custom of pre- marily a religious festival, Christian origin, is not un- highlighted by the Christmas known in Italy, where there is Novena, a series of church the pleasant legend that the services on nine nights pre- Virgin Mary enters the homes ceding Christmas and cul- of the humble at midnight, minating in a Midnight Mass when the household is at Mass, on Christmas Eve. to warm her newborn Child A feature of the observance before the blazing log. is the display, usuall~ from ltaly FocalPoint Christmas Eve to Epiphany The fact that Italy contained {January 6th) of the creche or the capital of the Roman world Persepio (the word meansand, as a logical result, the manger or stable), a Nativity headquarters of the Christian scene with more or less Church, has given Christmas elaborate landscaping and in Italy a particularly rich figures of sheep, cattle, and observance. \ ::> i CHRISTMAS AND GRANDMOTHERS just seem to go together ..... with those extra hugs, special treats, shopping tours and whispered secrets that only grandmothers seem to know ~out. With the help of their grandmother, Mrs. Irma Hanee, the children of Don and Betty Hanes are deciding , , i i i Greetings Trim the tree with these holiday wishest. May joy, peace and contentment be yours. With thanks . . . McLean's Hardware 96 S. 1st. 488-3651 where to hand the huge holiday wreath she made years ago for the family. In the living room over the mantel seems the best place, but it's a bit of a stretch for Dan, eight, and Sara, six. Dad will have to help. His mother is here on a holiday visit from her home in Colorado Springs. b M ave a bell holiday evePyone. Be happy! Our gratitude for your patronage. 391 E. Main 488-2742 shepherds, as well as Mary, Joseph and the Christ Child. At Ephiphany, figures of the Three Kings with their retinues, bringing gifts to the Child, are added. These Nativity scenes ori- ginated in the thirteenth century with Saint Francis of Assisi, who decided to m~ke the Christmas Eve Mass a re- enactment of the birth of Christ, and for many centuries they remained essentially an ecclesiastical presentation, with local churches vying for the most decoratiye creche. In more recent times, Nativity scenes have moved into private homes as well. In the early years of the Christian faith, persecution made public observation of Christmas impractical, and it was not until several hundred years had passed that the birth of Christ was given an official date for celebration. It is by no means certain that December 25th is the actual anniversary of the birth of Jesus, but it was an ap- propriate date' for the ob- servance. It coincided with the Winter Solstice celebrations of long standing throughout the northern world, with the Roman Saturnalia, and with the Jewish Hannukah, Fes- tival of Lights, providing a firm historical base, familiar to everyone in the then-known world, for a major festival Early Customs It is not surprising, there- fore, that many customs derived from earlier cele- brations have become a part of the Christmas observance in Italy. The coming of the Winter Solstice, marking the beginning of longer days, was observedm" pre-Christian times by the decoration of houses with greens, and this custom, taking on added signi- ficance as a symbol of the re- birth of hope in the coming of Christ, is observed in Italy with sprigs of holly and mistletoe. Similarly, the seasonal giv- ing of ~;ifts, already traditional in the Roman custom of giving branches picked in the grove of the goddess Strenia was appropriately converted to the giving of "Strenne," Christ- mas or New Year's presents, following the later tradition of the gifts of the Magi to the Christ-Child and symbolizing the gifts to mankind brought by Jesus' birth. Tree Orts4a The Christmas tree, which originated in Germany, has come slowly into popularity in Italy, especially in the north, but it had its forerunner, especially around Florence, in the Ceppi, or Christmas pyramids, composed of shel- ves of various sizes fixed to a pole. (The word "ceppo" means tree trunk and by usage, a Christmas gift). On the shelves were placed c Reindeer Have Vital Role Reindeer flourish in large numbers near the Arctic Circle in Europe, Asia, and North America. Norway, Sweden, Finland, Russia, and Alaska are all places where herds of at least semi- domesticated reindeer are accustomed to working with man, particularly the Lap- landers. The reindeer provides a vital source of food, clothing, and even transportation for many peoples living on the edge ,of the arctic world. Among other things, reindeer milk is as rich as the cream of cow's milk, although available in much smaller quantities. There are several species of reindeer in North America, where it is called the caribou, ranging from the woodland species, which is found in wild northern woods, through the barren ground caribou, which is the slightly larger but close cousin of the European rein- deer, to the Pearly caribou, living north of the Arctic Circle. ,_/T/ay this holy holiday shine down blessings, on all our neighbors, Thanks for the kindness shown to Favaro's Beauty Salon 915 E. Juniper 488-2809 May the spirit of Christmas peace be with you now and forever. Thank you for everything! HURLIMAN HEATING AIR CONDITIONING 126 Vz S. 1st 488-2033 @ ing the bells Christmas cheer, as we take a morn, to send all of you our wishes for a happy holiday and gratitude for your loyal su It's been a to serve i 111 N. Broadway e ather "round the tree for song .... " laughter. Rekindle friendships.., extend good tidings to all. To our loyal patrons greetings and thanks. Radio Station